Business Continuity Templates Toolkit

$ 50.00

The Business Continuity Templates Toolkit is the comprehensive template bundle for Business Continuity based on ISO 22301.  Everything you need to plan, record and evidence business continuity. 

Included in the Toolkit

ISO27001 Business Continuity Policy-Black

ISO27001 Business Impact Assessment Executive Summary Template

ISO27001 Business Impact Analysis-Black

ISO27001 Business Continuity Objectives and Strategy Template

ISO27001 Business Continuity Plan-Black

ISO27001 Business Continuity Incident Action Log template

ISO27001 Backup Policy-Black

ISO27001 Post Incident Review Form Template

Business Continuity Toolkit FAQ

What templates are included in the Business Continuity Toolkit?

The Business Continuity Templates Toolkit is our comprehensive bundle for Business Continuity.
Business Continuity Policy – View Document
Business Impact Assessment – View Document
Business Impact Analysis Executive Summary – View Document
Business Continuity Objectives and Strategy – View Document
Business Continuity Plan – View Document
Business Continuity Incident Action Log – View Document
Post Incident Review Form – View Document
Backup Policy – View Document

Will I need to hire consultants to use the Business Continuity Toolkit?

No. The Business Continuity Toolkit is designed to be easy to implement and easy to configure. You are provided with a free hour of training if you need it.

Is the Business Continuity Toolkit the only policy templates I need?

It depends on what you are trying to achieve. It works as a stand alone template toolset but is designed to be part of a pack of ISO27001 Templates Toolkit that meet the needs of your business. We sell the ISO 27001 Templates Toolkit at a significant discount.

How long will it take me to implement the Business Continuity Toolkit?

We estimate that on average it will take you less about 60 seconds to configure each template and 15 minutes to deploy. The templates require information that you know so there is nothing complicated.

How secure are the payments?

Payments are handled entirely through Stripe. They are very secure. We do not handle the payment transaction. We do not store, process or transmit your card holder data.

Is there an online ISMS version of the Business Continuity Toolkit?

No, we do not support online ISMS versions of the Business Continuity Toolkit. There are too many downsides to online ISMS portals from ongoing costs, training, ambiguity, lack of flexibility and did we mention costs … the list is endless. The disadvantages far out way any benefits for what is a glorified document storage solution akin to One Drive or Dropbox. For small business and professionals we do not see any benefit in online ISMS portals.


  1. James Mckinlay

    I have been working with BCMs for over 15 years and also 27001/2 for the same period and working with Cyber Essentials since its creation so I have seen a fair few different approaches to creating and maintaining both BC/DR paperwork and an ISMS. When it came to getting a clear, concise, easy to follow and completely fit for purpose template set I immediately thought of – I was not disappointed – they provided exactly what i needed, just when I needed it, with 121 support from the Author as an added bonus. Thank you Stuart & thank you

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