ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Process Template

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.7 Threat Intelligence is a new control in the 2022 update to ISO 27001. This template is fully written, ready to go to fast track your implementation.

Includes example sources of threat intelligence and a Threat Intelligence Report Template.

Crafted by Stuart Barker, the ISO 27001 Ninja and 30+ year practitioner.

$ 19.97


ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Report Example

This Template is included in:

The Ultimate ISO 27001 Toolkit

Do It Yourself ISO 27001

ISO 27001 Toolkit Business Edition


ISO 27001 Annex A 5.7 Threat Intelligence is about collecting threat intelligence data and mitigating that threat.

The summary of the process steps:

  • Identify and vet sources of threat intelligence
  • Capture threat intelligence
  • Analyse threat intelligence
  • Report out in way that people will understand
  • Manage and mitigate threats

Threat Intelligence Walkthrough

How to Implement ISO 27001 Annex A 5.7 Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence Objective

Information relating to information security threats should be collected and analysed to produce threat intelligence.

Threat Intelligence Purpose

To provide awareness of the organisation’s threat environment so that the appropriate mitigation actions can be taken.


What format are the Threat Intelligence Templates in?

The Threat Intelligence Templates are in Microsoft Word format.

What is the ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Template?

The ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence template is the step-by-step process for threat intelligence to meet the requirements of ISO 27001 Annex A 5.7. It includes a threat intelligence report template so that you can report out on existing and emerging threats. It’s the best practice approach to threat management.

What version of the ISO 27001 standard does this threat intelligence report support?

Threat intelligence is a new control introduced in the 2022 update to ISO 27001 and the template fully satisfies ISO/IEC 27001:2022.

How quickly will I get the Threat Intelligence Template?

It is available as an immediate download once payment has been received.

How do I use the ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Template ?

The ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence template is all ready written so you change the logo, brand it has you and you are ready to go. You can customise it based on your own requirements and needs.

What support do you offer?

We offer a free 30 minutes, 1 to 1 consultation as well as a free weekly ISO 27001 Q and A call and the unique ability to purchase consulting by the hour.

Are the ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Templates the only templates I need?

It depends on what you are trying to achieve. They work as a stand alone process but are designed to be part of a pack that meet the needs of your business. The Ultimate ISO 27001 Toolkit is everything you need for ISO 27001 Certification.

How long will it take me to implement the ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Templates?

We estimate that on average it will take you less than 1 hour. The templates require information that you know so there is nothing complicated.

What are the benefits of using the ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Templates?

The benefits of using the ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Templates are:

  • Save time: the templates are already fully populated and ready to go
  • Meet the requirements of the standard: the template is mapped directly to the requirements of the ISO 27001:2022 standard and specifically ISO 27001 Annex A 5.7 Threat Intelligence.
  • Save money: you will not have to pay consultants to research and write the process and report for you

Who should use the ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Templates?

Anyone that wants to save time and money and have pre populated ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Templates that fully meet the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard and is ready to go.

How do I use the ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Templates?

The ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence Templates are all ready written so you change the logo, brand it, add some basic information and you are ready to go. You can customise it based on your own requirements and needs.

Is the template enough to achieve ISO 27001 certification?

No, on its own the template is not achieve ISO 27001 certification. It is one part of an integrated information security management system (ISMS).

What is the best ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence template?

The best ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence template will depend on your needs and requirements but we would recommend the High Table ISO 27001 Threat Intelligence template. Review the templates for what they offer, view the samples and choose based on your need and budget.

How secure are the payments?

Payments are handled entirely through Stripe. They are very secure. We do not handle the payment transaction. We do not store, process or transmit your card holder data.

The latest version of the ISO 27001 standard introduced a new control - ISO 27001 Annex A 5.7 Threat Intelligence

In threat intelligence you

  • Identify and vet sources of threat intelligence
  • Capture threat intelligence
  • Analyse threat intelligence
  • Report out in way that people will understand
  • Manage and mitigate threats

These threat intelligence templates have been designed to give you the step-by-step implementation guide and blueprint for managing threats as well as report templates that you can use straight away.

Crafted by Stuart Barker, the ISO 27001 Ninja and 30+ year practitioner you will get everything you need, including examples and sources of threat intelligence to fast track your implementation.


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