ISO 27001 Cloud Services Security Policy Template
$ 4.90
The Ultimate ISO 27001:2022 Cloud Services Security Policy Template
✓ ISO27001:2022 Compliant
✓ Prewritten and Ready to Go
Designed specifically to meet the requirements of the ISO 27001:2022 new control – ISO 27001 Annex A Control 5.23 Information security for use of cloud services
What is the Cloud Security Policy Template?
The Cloud Security Policy Template sets out what you do for the management of cloud service providers. It sets out clearly what is and what is not allowed.
It is an ISO 27001 Policy and one of the ISO 27001 documents that make up the ISO 27001 ISMS.
Cloud Services Security is a new control in the ISO 27001:2022 update and the guidance specifically references having a cloud services security policy. The policy is aligned with the third party supplier policy and is focussed on the management of cloud service providers to maintain information security.
Cloud Security Policy Template Contents
The contents of the Cloud Security Policy Template Contents are:
- Document Version Control
- Document Contents Page
- Cloud Service Policy
- Purpose
- Scope
- Principle
- Third Party Supplier Register
- Cloud Service Information Security Requirements
- Cloud Service Audit and Review
- Cloud Service Supplier Risk Management
- Cloud Service Supplier Selection
- Cloud Service Supplier Contracts, Agreements and Data Processing Agreements
- Cloud Service Supplier Security Incident Management
- Cloud Service Supplier End of Contract
- Changes to Cloud Service Supplier
- Policy Compliance
- Compliance Measurement
- Exceptions
- Non-Compliance
- Continual Improvement
- Areas of the ISO 27001 Standard Addressed
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.23 Information security for use of cloud services
ISO 27001 Annex A 5.23 is a new control in the ISO 27001 standard requiring the management of cloud suppliers to ensure effective information security management aligned with the organisation objectives.
Whilst there is significant guidance provided in the guidance and covered in ISO 27001 Annex A Control 5.23 Information security for use of cloud services, in relation to Cloud Security Policy the guidance is
‘The organisation should establish and communicate topic-specific policy on the use of cloud services to all relevant interested parties.’
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.23 Information Security for use of cloud services
Cloud Security Control
Processes for acquisition, use, management and exit from cloud services should be established in accordance with the organisation’s information security requirements.
Cloud Security Purpose
To specify and manage information security for the use of cloud services.
What format is the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Policy Template in?
The ISO 27001 Cloud Security Policy Template is in Microsoft Word format.
Who should use the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Policy Template?
Anyone that wants to save time and money and have a pre populated Cloud Security Policy document that fully meets the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard and is ready to go.
How complete is the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Policy Template?
It is over 90% complete. It just requires a fast rebrand, checking and some minor additions that are clearly sign posted and marked.
Does the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Policy Template meet the requirements of ISO 27001:2022?
Yes. It fully meets the 2022 updated requirements to the ISO 27001 standard. It is also backward compatible with previous versions of the standard. It fully meets the requirements of ISO 27001 Annex A Control 5.23 Information security for use of cloud services.
What version of the ISO27001 standard does the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Policy Template support?
The ISO 27001 Cloud Security Policy Template fully supports ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013
How quickly will I get the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template?
It is available as an immediate download once payment has been received.
Will I need to hire consultants to use the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template?
No. The ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template is designed to be easy to implement and easy to configure. It comes with an easy to follow step by step guide. You are provided with a free hour of training if you need it.
What ISO 27001 Clause does the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template Policy Meet?
The ISO 27001 Information Security Roles And Responsibilities Template meets the requirements of ISO 27001 Annex A Control 5.23 Information security for use of cloud services.
ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template support
We offer a free 30 minute 1-to-1 consultation as well as a free weekly ISO 27001 Q and A call and the unique ability to purchase consulting by the hour.
Is the ISO 27001 ISO 27001 Cloud Security Policy Template the only policy template I need?
It depends on what you are trying to achieve. It works as a stand alone policy but is designed to be part of a pack of information security policies that meet the needs of your business. The Ultimate ISO 27001 Toolkit is everything you need for ISO 27001 Certification.
ISO 27001 Policy Template Bundle
You can get all of the required ISO 27001 Policies in the ISO 27001 Policy Template Bundle.
The policy is sold stand alone as it serves a specific purpose and often people just want this one policy. When you deploy information security policies into your organisation you may not need all of the policies so we make them available individually. The benefits of having individual policies are:
- They can be shared only with the people that need the information
- They can be allocated an owner to update them
- You can deploy only the policies you need. In addition the 2022 update to the ISO 27001 standard explicitly calls out having a headline policy and subordinate policies.
How long will it take me to implement ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template?
We estimate that on average it will take you less than 1 hour. The templates require information that you know so there is nothing complicated.
What are the benefits of using the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template?
The benefits of using the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template are:
- Save time: the template is already fully populated and ready to go
- Meet the requirements of the standard: the template is mapped directly to the requirements of the ISO 27001:2022 standard
- Save money: you will not have to pay consultants to research and write the policy for you
Who should use the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template?
Anyone that wants to save time and money and have a pre populated ISO 27001 Cloud Security document that fully meets the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard and is ready to go.
How do I use the ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template?
The ISO 27001 Cloud Security Template is all ready written so you change the logo, brand it, add people’s names and you are ready to go. You can customise it based on your own requirements and needs.
How secure are the payments?
Payments are handled entirely through Stripe. They are very secure. We do not handle the payment transaction. We do not store, process or transmit your card holder data.