ISO 27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Template

$ 4.90

The Ultimate ISO27001:2022 Protection Against Malware Policy Template

✓ ISO27001:2022 Compliant

✓ Prewritten and Ready to Go

✓ Easy to implement

✓ Easy to configure

To see what you are getting view the Sample ISO 27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Template

Part of the Ultimate ISO27001 Toolkit and also exclusively available to buy stand-alone.

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    The ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Template is a high level policy that sets out what the malware and anti virus approach of the organisation is. It is designed for compliance with ISO27001:2022, ISO27001:2013, SOC2, PCIDSS. As a stand alone document this document can be shared with third parties, auditors, customers and clients alike.

    This is a professional, proven and trusted ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Template. It can be used stand alone or as part of a suite of information security policies.

    I built it as an effective Microsoft Word Template that is fast to deploy and easy to customise.


    What version of the ISO27001 standard does the ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy support?

    The ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy fully supports ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013

    What format is the ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy in?

    The ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy is in Microsoft Word format

    Will I need to hire consultants to use the ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Template?

    No. The ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Template is designed to be easy to implement and easy to configure. It comes with an easy to follow step by step guide. You are provided with a free hour of training if you need it.

    Is the ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Template the only ISO27001 policy template I need?

    It depends on what you are trying to achieve. It works as a stand alone policy but is designed to be part of a pack of information security policies that meet the needs of your business. We sell The ISO27001 Policy Template Bundle at a significant discount.

    Why is this policy sold separately? Why is there a pack? Are you just trying to make money?

    The policy is sold stand alone as it serves a specific purpose and often people just want this one policy. When you deploy information security policies into your organisation you may not need all of the policies so we make them available individually. The benefits of having individual policies are: 1. They can be shared only with the people that need the information 2. They can be allocated an owner to update them 3. You can deploy only the policies you need. In addition the 2022 update to the ISO27001 standard explicitly calls out having a headline policy and subordinate policies.

    How long will it take me to implement The ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Template?

    We estimate that on average it will take you less than 1 hour. The templates require information that you know so there is nothing complicated.

    What will the audit check for malware protection?

    The audit is going to check a number of areas for compliance with the protection against malware policy. Lets go through them
    1. That you have installed antivirus software
    Putting to one side that it goes without saying that you will have the policy, they are going to check that you have implemented and antivirus solution and that it is deployed appropriately across devices.
    2. That you are monitoring and responding
    They are going to check that you have reports and are monitoring the antivirus and that when incidents occur that you are responding to them appropriately.
    3. That you have considered information security
    There are many places where information security and protection of malware come into play. Familiarise yourself with them and make sure they are covered. Consider for example the transfer of information.

    Top 3 Mistakes People Make for the ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy

    In my experience, the top 3 mistakes people make for ISO27001 protection against malware policy are
    1. You have no evidence that anything actually happened
    You need to keep records and minutes and documented evidence. Recording reports, results, incidents and actions can be a low priority but they will check.
    2. You did not cover the basics
    Having a policy that does not cover the basics is like having no policy at all. Make sure that the policy covers the basic requirements of malware protection.
    3. Your document and version control is wrong
    Keeping your document version control up to date, making sure that version numbers match where used, having a review evidenced in the last 12 months, having documents that have no comments in are all good practices.

    Why is the ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy Important?

    The ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy is important because virus and malware represent the number 1 risk to your organisation. They are easy to create, easy to propagate and the techniques involved in deploying them are sophisticated and easily fallen for. Virus and malware has been around since the beginning of computing and there is a lot of money to be made for cyber criminals. It is important because it is a first line of defence.

    Who is responsible for the Protection Against Malware Policy?

    Senior management are accountable for ensuring the ISO27001 protection Against malware policy. Responsibility of operation is often delegated to the information security manager or dedicated technical resource.

    What are the benefits of an ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy?

    Other than your ISO27001 certification requiring it, the following are benefits of implementing a protection against malware policy:
    Improved security: You will have an effective protection against malware policy that addresses security systems from malicious threats
    Reduced risk: You will reduce the risk to your organisation from malicious attacks having preplanned and set in place guidelines
    Improved compliance: Standards and regulations require protection against malware to be in place
    Reputation Protection: In the event of a breach having effectively managed against malicious attacks will reduce the potential for fines and reduce the PR impact of an event

    Where can I get an ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy?

    You can get an ISO27001 protection against malware policy template here:

    How hard is to write a Protection Against Malware Policy?

    Not very hard. If you use this protection against malware template the work has been done for you.

    What clauses of ISO27001:2022 require a Protection Against Malware Policy?

    There are several that apply but the main ones are:
    ISO27001:2022 Annex A 8.7 Protection Against Malware
    and ISO27001:2022 Annex A 5.7 Threat Intelligence
    and ISO27001:2022 Annex A 5.14 Information Transfer

    How long will the ISO27001:2022 Protection Against Malware Policy take me to write?

    It will take about a day to write a protection against malware policy that meets ISO27001 from scratch. With this template it should take about 15 minutes.

    How much will an ISO27001:2022 Protection Against Malware Policy template cost me?

    The cost of protection against malware policy will depend how you go about it.  If you do it yourself it will be free but will take you about 1 day so the cost is lost opportunity cost as you tie up resource doing something that can easily be downloaded. If you download the ISO27001 protection against malware policy template you are looking at less than ten pounds / dollars.

    Is there a portal version of the The ISO27001 Protection Against Malware Policy?

    No, we do not support portals. There are too many downsides to portals from ongoing costs, training, ambiguity on where the data is and how secure it is … the list is endless. The disadvantages far out way any benefits for what is a glorified document storage solution akin to One Drive or Dropbox. For small business and professionals we do not see any benefit in portals.

    Where can I get a free example protection against malware policy PDF?

    You can get a free ISO27001 protection against malware policy PDF here:

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