ISO 27001 Legal Register Ultimate Guide

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In this ISO 27001 Legal Register Ultimate Guide I show you everything you need to know about the ISO 27001 Legal Register and exactly what you need to do to satisfy it to gain ISO 27001 certification.

You will learn

  • What is an ISO 27001 Legal Register?
  • How to implement an ISO 27001 Legal Register
  • ISO 27001 Legal Register Template

The ISO 27001 legal and contractual register is used to identify which laws apply to your organisation, what contractual requirements customers have placed on you, what regulatory requirements there maybe and what standards you are working towards. It is used to evidence that they have been reviewed, agreed and signed off and to show when they will next be reviewed. All of these will inform and influence your information security management system.

I created the ISO 27001 Legal Register Template as a fast track to recording applicable laws, regulations and contractual requirements. It does not constitute legal advice although it does come pre-populated with common UK laws that I have come across over decades in consulting. It can be used globally and is a great foundation and starting point.

ISO 27001 Legal and Contractual Requirements Register Template

The requirement to have a legal register for ISO 27001 is covered in ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.31 Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements. It states

‘Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements relevant to information security and the organisation’s approach to meet these requirements should be identified, documented and kept up to date.’

ISO27001:2022 Annex A 5.31 Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements

The steps to implement an ISO 27001 Legal Register are:

Identify which laws apply to you

The first step is to identify the laws that are applicable to you that relate directly to information security. It would be my advice to seek the help of a legal professional in indentifying those laws.

Additional things that you can do are to use Google and also to use in country legal and statutory websites.

An example of a legal and statutory website would be the UK Law website which is a searchable register of all UK laws. Using the search functionality it is possible to identify laws that relate to data and information security.

You should note here that laws that apply to you may well be in the jurisdictions in which operate and not just your home or host country.

Identify what contractual requirements apply to you

It can be the case that customers of yours place very specific information security requirements upon you. To identify those requirements you should conduct a contract review of all client and customer requirements to ensure that you fully understand if there are additional requirements for you to implement.

Identify what regulatory requirements apply to you

If you are governed by a regulator then the requirements will be clear. It is often the case that regulators just require that you have an information security management system (ISMS) in place and they will cite ISO 27001 as an example of and information security management system. It is rare that they will require you to be ISO 27001 certified.

You will work out what regulators you are regulated by and make contact with them to understand if there are any specific requirements they have of you, your information security management system and your information security controls.

Record which laws, regulations and contract requirements apply to you

Once you have identified that laws which could apply to you, you are going to assess that list for the applicability to your organisation.

This is a step that is best done with a legal professional.

Once you have a record of the laws that apply to you, you are then going to use your approval mechanism to approve that document in your information security management system (ISMS).

We would use the management review meeting to approve the document and minute the approval in the meeting minutes. Then we would update the document version control to reflect the approval.

Ensure your Information Security Management System (ISMS) meets applicable laws, regulations and contract requirements

Once approved you must ensure that any legal requirements that are placed upon you are fully met and enacted in the information security management system (ISMS) and information security controls that you implement. An example here would be the use of encryption and encryption technology in relation to the requirements of the United States.


It is unlikely that an ISO 27001 auditor will have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law and international law but they will have some common knowledge of common laws that apply. Therefore it is not the case that you should over think this but as a minimum that you cover laws that you would reasonably expect to be applicable. An example here would be data protection laws that on the whole, apply globally, to a greater or lesser extent, irrespective of the country in which you operate.


ISO 27001

ISO 27001 Toolkit Business Edition

This is a great ISO 27001 Legal Register Example taken as an extract from the ISO 27001 Legal Register Template. You can also see the ISO 27001 Legal Register Example PDF.

ISO 27001 Legal Regsiter Example 3

In this ISO 27001 Legal and Contractual Register tutorial I show you how to create and use a legal and contractual register yourself.

What is an ISO 27001 legal register?

It is a document that lists the applicable laws, regulations and customer contractual requirements on your organisation for information security.

What is the ISO 27001 legal register principle?

All applicable laws, regulations and customer requirements for information security are recorded and implemented in the information security management system (ISMS) and information security controls.

What is the purpose of the ISO 27001 Legal Register?

The purpose of the ISO 27001 Legal Register is to record all applicable laws, regulations and customer requirements for information security and to communicate them to relevant people so they can be implemented.

Why use an ISO 27001 legal and contractual register?

It is used to show what laws and contractual requirements apply to your organisation and evidences that you are aware of them and have reviewed them. These will inform and influence your information security management system.

What does an ISO 27001 legal and contractual register include?

It includes a list of laws, regulations and customer requirements on information security that apply to your organisation with the date they were last reviewed and the date they will next be reviewed.

Where can I download an ISO 27001 legal register?

The ISO 27001 legal register template can be downloaded at High Table: The ISO 27001 Company.

What ISO 27001 clause requires and ISO 27001 legal register?

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.31 Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements requires a legal register. It states ‘Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements relevant to information security and the organisation’s approach to meet these requirements should be identified, documented and kept up to date.’

Who is responsible for the ISO 27001 legal register?

The information security officer or compliance officer will be responsible for legal register and they will work closely with legal professionals and legal counsel.

How often is the ISO 27001 legal register updated?

The ISO 27001 legal register is updated at least annually and also when significant changes occur. Examples of significant changes would be changes in the law, updates to regulations and changes or new client contractual requirements.


Organisational Controls - A5

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.1 Policies for information security

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.2 Information Security Roles and Responsibilities

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.3 Segregation of duties

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.4 Management responsibilities

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.5 Contact with authorities

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.6 Contact with special interest groups

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.7 Threat intelligence – new

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.8 Information security in project management

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.9 Inventory of information and other associated assets – change

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.10 Acceptable use of information and other associated assets – change

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.11 Return of assets

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.11 Return of assets

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.13 Labelling of information

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.14 Information transfer

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.15 Access control

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.16 Identity management

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.17 Authentication information – new

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.18 Access rights – change

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.19 Information security in supplier relationships

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.20 Addressing information security within supplier agreements

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.21 Managing information security in the ICT supply chain – new

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.22 Monitoring, review and change management of supplier services – change

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.23 Information security for use of cloud services – new

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.24 Information security incident management planning and preparation – change

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.25 Assessment and decision on information security events 

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.26 Response to information security incidents

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.27 Learning from information security incidents

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.28 Collection of evidence

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.29 Information security during disruption – change

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.31 Identification of legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.32 Intellectual property rights

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.33 Protection of records

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.34 Privacy and protection of PII

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.35 Independent review of information security

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.36 Compliance with policies and standards for information security

ISO 27001 Annex A 5.37 Documented operating procedures 

Technology Controls - A8

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.1 User Endpoint Devices

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.2 Privileged Access Rights

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.3 Information Access Restriction

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.4 Access To Source Code

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.5 Secure Authentication

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.6 Capacity Management

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.7 Protection Against Malware

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.8 Management of Technical Vulnerabilities

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.9 Configuration Management 

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.10 Information Deletion

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.11 Data Masking

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.12 Data Leakage Prevention

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.13 Information Backup

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.14 Redundancy of Information Processing Facilities

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.15 Logging

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.16 Monitoring Activities

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.17 Clock Synchronisation

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.18 Use of Privileged Utility Programs

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.19 Installation of Software on Operational Systems

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.20 Network Security

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.21 Security of Network Services

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.22 Segregation of Networks

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.23 Web Filtering

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.24 Use of CryptographyISO27001 Annex A 8.25 Secure Development Life Cycle

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.26 Application Security Requirements

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.27 Secure Systems Architecture and Engineering Principles

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.28 Secure Coding

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.29 Security Testing in Development and Acceptance

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.30 Outsourced Development

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.31 Separation of Development, Test and Production Environments

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.32 Change Management

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.33 Test Information

ISO 27001 Annex A 8.34 Protection of information systems during audit testing